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Dance & Giving

The old adage, "time flies when you are having fun" definitely rings true as I find myself saying goodbye to November and another Thanksgiving weekend. This of course being a time to reflect on blessings and gratitude for which I have many of the former and need to remember to express more frequently the latter.

This month was especially special to the Strut Your Stuff family as it marked our inaugural "I Dance 4 a Cure" event where dancers and volunteers came together and raised almost $13,000. This charity run by a very special dance teacher helps studios organize events to raise money for childhood cancer research, for more info visit You will be amazed at the accomplishments all ready achieved and also saddened by the statistics of childhood cancer. I could not be more proud of the contribution made by each of the SYS dancers that participated in raising money and attending the dance marathon that took place at Strut Your Stuff on November 19th. And while we participated to give to others, we truly received so much in return. This was an experience that each of us, staff, volunteers and students will never forget. We look forward to participating in this event for years to come and to share our talents for the betterment of others.

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